This week was an incredible week. It was so full of great moments that missionaries live for. I don't have much time so I will write kinda a brief summary.
I was asked to perform the baptizm of an ex pastor of an evangelical church, and her husband. Maria had her own church for many years and never had heard about The Church of Jesus Christ. Us missionaries arrived and started to teach her and it is crazy how awesome her change has been to really come and know the truth of the scriptures for herself. She did something that people rarely do and humbled herself enough to listen, read, meditate, and pray to ask God the truth, and she has such a strong testimony about how God answered. She bore her testimony after her baptism about how she is so grateful to have found the truth after living for so many years just based on her interpretation of the scriptures. In 2 Peter 1:21-22 it says:
Knowing this first, that no prophecy of the scriptures is of any private interpretation. For the prophecy came not in old time by the will of man: but holy men of God spake as they were moved by the Holy Ghost.
Maria is super firm in her belief that God has restored his church to the earth today with the correct and necessary authority, and with prophets and apostles at the head who receive continued revelation. She now understands that prophets and apostles are necessary and are on the earth again. She came to know that the Book of Mormon was true because she READ IT and prayed about it. All who do the same will receive the same answer, be them pastor or humble farmer. I taught her and her family several times and she asked that I baptize her and her husband. So cool.
I was walking down a path and heard someone shout,"Hermanos, come! Hermanos, come!" So I turned around and asked if my companion had heard it. He said, No, but we walked back a bit to a house we had passed and asked if they had called us. A lady came out and said No, but that we could come in and teach her. We came in and she said that she had always wanted to talk to the missionaries and they always passed by her house but she was always too afraid or nervous to call them over. She said that she wanted to change her life and wanted to be clean again and so we challenged her to be baptized. She accepted. Wild. That was totally led by the Spirit.
Found a church called the Church of Eagles. Haha. Thought it was funny because in The Church of Jesus Christ we worship Jesus Christ, so what do they worship in the church of eagles?...
We were walking around and randomly it started to rain a little nice cool rain. I was loving it and then looked down and I was covered in little black spots. Apparently they were burning sugar cane in the distance and the soot mixed with the rain and came down on us. I thought it was funny... nasty rain...
Other than that, we had a ton of amazing spiritual experiences and found a ton of awesome new investigators, two of which we found contacting and they literally asked us how they could get baptized in their first lessons with us. The Lord is blessing us so much for our obedience this past transfer and I know we are going to have a ton more miracles according to our faith.
But, now it is time to play soccer for the last hour of p-day! Adios!
Love ya'll,
Elder Moffitt