

Monday, July 21, 2014

Be Prepared!

Hi there! Okay, interesting stories of the week...

1. A man walked up to us in the night and tried to give us his baby. Usually they ask us for money so that was kinda new. Unfortunately, we didn't have any baby food so we couldn't take her. Heartbreaking.

2. The other day we walked by right as some guy who was picking fruit way up high in a tree got electrocuted. The branch dipped and hit the primary line of the electric wires and the current hit him through the tree. Despite attempts to get him out of the tree and to the hospital, he died. 

It reminded me of the utmost importance of always being prepared and worthy to meet God because we never know when our time on this earth is up. It is like taking the most important placement test EVER (like the SAT for college admissions, but this is a test that will determine your ETERNAL HAPPINESS) and not knowing when the time will be up and they will call, "Put down your pencils!"  Would we spend our time drawing butterflies on the margins of the page or would we race to answer all of the questions and then sit back confidently to wait for the "times up" call?

This life is not all there is. It is just a drop in the ocean of eternity. How could we afford to--and why would we--waste a single second? Literally, eternal life depends on us being prepared. The scriptures tell us how. If you want to know how, talk to a missionary. But don't be caught unaware. Like the cub scout slogan: Be Prepared.

3. Made some killer guacamole with Elder Brimley. So good.

4. My favorite scripture now is DC 123:17:  

Therefore, dearly beloved brethren, let us cheerfully do all things that lie in our power; and then may we stand still, with the utmost assurance, to see the salvation of God, and for his arm to be revealed.

If we do all that is within our power, we don't need to be sad or stressed or anything; we can just trust in God and wait to see his miracles. I am so grateful that I don't need to worry about everything. I just need to obey the commandments of God and magnify my office and my service to the Lord.

Hurrah for Israel!

Elder Moffitt

This is our front yard and the bar bells that we exercise with each morning (concrete in cans)!

My awesome new companion, Elder Navas from Costa Rica.

Your Potential, Your Privileges:
We can partake of an abundant feast of spiritual opportunity 
and universal blessings!

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